Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Just Do It

I’ve been having an errand declutter.  You know the sort of thing – those annoying little jobs that seem to sit on the to-do list for weeks on end, never entirely getting resolved, but niggling away in the background.
Things like taking my dress and scarf to the drycleaners
Getting my shoes re-heeled
Writing and posting my Christmas cards
Listing those dresses and handbags left over from my wardrobe clear-out on Ebay.
And I feel so much better for sorting out the small things.  Not just because my to-do list is shorter, but also because the mental clutter, the low level noise in my brain that comes from thinking about these things, is gone. 
This de-cluttering lark isn’t just about having a tidy wardrobe, tidy desk, tidy house.  They are just components of the overall aim of having a serene, comfortable, fulfilling life. 
So from now on, all those little tasks, those that will take only 15 mins or so, are going to be done without procrastination.
What about you - any ideas on further areas of chaos and clutter that may be weighing us down?

1 comment:

  1. Oh please, come to my house and declutter!!!
    Just had a look around on your blog and realised... you sound a lot like me. Or me like you, whichever way you want to look at it. Very funny.

    PS: Could you please let me know if you received the Eve Lom cleanser? Otherwise I'll have to chase the PR lady...
